The Parking Lot was Full in Paradise

The weather was beautiful in the Puyallup Valley on Satuday, August 1, 2015, and "the mountain" was out: Mt. Rainier.  So my friends from Texas and I loaded up in the car and began the trek up the highway to "Paradise."  Locals can easily tell this "green horn" what he did wrong.  You don't go to Mt. Rainier National Park on Saturday in the middle of the summer when the mountain is "out".  The traffic was crazy, and, unfortunately, "they paved paradise and put up a parking lot." In otherwords, "there wasn't any place to park in order to get to 'Paradise.'"  

As we traveled down the mountain I was reminded that "Paradise" really isn't a destination, but instead it is about life-giving and life-affirming relationships--it can be journey with people you love. You see, I might not have gotten to park at"Paradise" in the National Park, but I spent four hours with friends driving in my car as we talked about life and said, "awe" around each corner driving up to "Paradise" , and those moments of being with friends were  real "Paradise." Also, there was plenty of room for parking along this way.  

Take a moment, and give thanks to God for the friends who embrace you in this moment, and know the act of simply "being" is "Paradise."  

In Loving Partnership


  1. Guessing we might hear more about the awe in the 'wow' part of the series next Sunday...


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