Thomas Keating

I was reading Thomas Keating's little book entitled, "The Human Condition:  Contemplation and Transformation" the other day.  I said it was a little book but it is packed with an abundance of insight that I find refreshing.  In the very first chapter, Keating offers the following story from Sufi literature:

"A sufi master had lost the key to his house and was looking for it in the grass outside.  He got down on his hands and knees and started running his fingers through every blade of grass.  Along came eight or ten of his disciples.  They said, "Master, what is wrong?"  He said, "I have lost the key to my house."  They said, "Can we help you find it?"  He said, "I'd be delighted."  So they all got down on their hands and knees and started running their fingers through the grass.  As the sun grew hotter, one of the more intelligent disciples said, "Master, have you any idea where you might have lost your keys?"  The Master replied, "Of course.  I lost it in the house."  To which they all exclaimed, "Then why are we looking for it out here?"  He said, "Isn't it obvious?  There is more light here." ( page 8)

Have you lost the keys the house where your heart dwells?  And are you looking in the wrong place for the happiness that God desire for you?   I'm still reflecting and I hope you are also.


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