
Showing posts from 2012
The mission of the Church for those who decide to follow Jesus is to tell a renewed and powerful tale that is so inclusive that it ties the past and present together into a whole so that others can see even clearer the preferred path that God desires for all as we walk into the future—this is the alternative story The mission of the Church is about building relationships with other human beings in the name of Jesus Christ, and to encourage and direct them in building a relationship with a loving and transformative God.    And there is another important part of the mission which the willingness to risk, sacrifice and to suffer on behalf of what is right and just for God’s preferred vision for humankind.   I agree with Vaclav Havel when he writes in his book, “The New Measure of Man”, “Something is on the way out and something else is painfully being born.   It is as if something were crumbling, decaying, and exhausting itself while something else, still indistinct, were arising

Wow! I Love this Moment in Time

There is an amazing snow fall that is happening outside my office window at this moment.  This has been an incredible winter in Anchorage, Alaska, filled with plenty of snow and plenty of days with frigid temperature, but I am grateful that what I notice is that the daylight is slowing vanquishing the darkness. Each day is filled with more light.  I heard the weather person say that we had eight minutes of daylight added to our lives today.  I have confidence rooted in experience that soon an amazing spring will break forth in all its spendor.  The season of Lent is not far off, and it is my plan this year to till the soil of my soul well so that the seeds that are planted in the new and fresh spring will bring to life a bountiful harvest during the long summers of my soul.  God is the God of winter, spring, summer and fall.  I pray that I will see God at work in all times and places of my life.  I pray the same for you, also.